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htmlText_2501FD5D_1DE8_8D92_4184_277BC75F6F5D.html =
Astra Car Rental / Petsas
Contact number +357 26423046
htmlText_29E4A1C9_1D1B_94F5_41B7_4D9CEDBB9EF5.html =
Baggage Wrap station
Wrap your personal belongings in less than 60sec. The service is provided on demand by Safe-Sac.
Contact number +357 99876141
Email: info@safe-sac.com
htmlText_2DBE3FAB_1D18_8CB6_41B3_E1E83E8D6C04.html =
Baggage Wrap station
Wrap your personal belongings in less than 60sec. The service is provided on demand by Safe-Sac.
Contact number +357 99876141
Email: info@safe-sac.com
htmlText_2E226BC8_1D18_F4F2_41B9_6307CD8C95A8.html =
Baggage Wrap station
Wrap your personal belongings in less than 60sec. The service is provided on demand by Safe-Sac.
Contact number +357 99876141
Email: info@safe-sac.com
htmlText_2FAD55CF_1D28_7C8E_41B9_7090D4B4282C.html =
Bagomat kiosks
Self-Tagging Baggage Drop Off counter to drop off your luggage.
htmlText_3EF3B79F_1B1B_9C8E_41B5_270E2E14E146.html =
Beer Garden / Smoking area
A terrace bar with a view to the aircraft, serving hot & cold beverages, beer & wines and a wide selection of snacks, packed sandwiches, hot dogs & pastries.
htmlText_064760E1_21A4_7DCB_418D_83FEF9679EEB.html =
BorderXpress kiosks
Complete the administrative work required for border control on your own using the BorderXpress kiosks. All you need to do is approach a kiosk and place your passport onto the scanner. The kiosks use facial recognition technology to compare your face to the photograph on the passport. You will then receive a receipt which should be presented to an Immigration Officer and then you will proceed to the security screening point. If the receipt shows you are not clear, the Immigration Officer will proceed with a normal check.
htmlText_1189CBCE_21BC_23D6_41BC_21FEDB0397B0.html =
BorderXpress kiosks
Complete the administrative work required for border control on your own using the BorderXpress kiosks. All you need to do is approach a kiosk and place your passport onto the scanner. The kiosks use facial recognition technology to compare your face to the photograph on the passport. You will then receive a receipt which should be presented to an Immigration Officer and then you will proceed to the security screening point. If the receipt shows you are not clear, the Immigration Officer will proceed with a normal check.
htmlText_1C1A957F_20AF_E4B7_4197_644E1FD8E2D5.html =
Caffe Ritazza
Offering a unique range of classic coffees, sandwiches and salads, freshly baked croissants, and cakes.
htmlText_18204F0C_209C_2459_41B9_DD1E0550E29C.html =
Central Bar
Dine before the flight choosing from a wide selection of salads, sushi, homemade pies, sandwiches, sweets, pastries, accompanied by a large variety of beverages including hot & cold beverages, and alcoholic drinks.
htmlText_1D81D336_20E4_3C49_41A1_E035416DA7EA.html =
Over 37 of the favourite brands of chocolate and candy, including luxurious gift boxes, travel exclusives, self-treats, and plenty for the children.
htmlText_1D41B0C1_20E4_3DCB_417C_411A2E05AEF9.html =
Over 37 of the favourite brands of chocolate and candy, including luxurious gift boxes, travel exclusives, self-treats, and plenty for the children.
htmlText_1B0559F8_209C_6FB9_4198_A2C2B05D8370.html =
Over 37 of the favourite brands of chocolate and candy, including luxurious gift boxes, travel exclusives, self-treats, and plenty for the children.
htmlText_1DF51EAB_20E4_245F_4195_7F35202F9CF6.html =
Over 37 of the favourite brands of chocolate and candy, including luxurious gift boxes, travel exclusives, self-treats, and plenty for the children.
htmlText_28F475A4_1D1B_FCB2_41B2_C330ED77A96E.html =
Costa Coffee
The well-known British coffeehouse chain that offers iconic signature blends of hearty flavoured, rich aroma and smooth taste coffee, accompanied by seasonal snacks.
htmlText_2B88882E_1DE8_938E_41BB_865DDB185D9B.html =
Currency Exchange service
Currency exchange services are available by Onexchange, that offer a number of currencies with favourable exchange rates.
htmlText_2F72D3D0_1DE8_B493_4195_710004538DF8.html =
Currency Exchange service
Currency exchange services are available by Onexchange, that offer a number of currencies with favourable exchange rates.
htmlText_28CC4845_1DEB_93F2_41B5_792BC3595C74.html =
Currency Exchange service
Currency exchange services are available by Onexchange, that offer a number of currencies with favourable exchange rates.
htmlText_0FDABC2C_21A4_245A_41B6_4CEDA7C879B9.html =
Currency Exchange
Currency exchange services are available by Onexchange, that offer a number of currencies with favourable exchange rates.
htmlText_61FDB5D6_20A7_E7F6_41BD_7FE038F470FF.html =
Cyprus Memories
Charming range of souvenirs, perfect for gifting.
htmlText_1CB104B4_20E4_2449_41B2_400624B44E0C.html =
htmlText_345C476A_2164_24DE_4195_6ECD731BDC10.html =
Electric Car charging station
htmlText_2B980D53_1DF7_8D96_41A9_54B49003C51D.html =
Contact number +357 26822633
htmlText_1B2A86A8_20A4_6459_41B9_98C255C310F2.html =
Food Village
Sandwiches on freshly baked French baguette from Upper Crust, Italian pizza from Negroni, burgers and international food, in addition to readily packed meals to take onboard.
htmlText_36621F23_1B28_8DB6_41B7_7529B5EFCBF4.html =
Help Point
Help Point Intercom for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities.
On-the-spot request for wheelchair or escort assistance through the intercom.
htmlText_35E780CC_1B78_94F2_41B3_0E5CBEEE424B.html =
Help Point
Help Point Intercom for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities.
On-the-spot request for wheelchair or escort assistance through the intercom.
htmlText_24C6F713_1DF8_7D96_419D_90B9B2304354.html =
Contact number +357 26007313
htmlText_6622B6BC_2647_02D9_41A0_621C9D6D8F24.html =
Lost luggage claim desk
htmlText_1950D71D_2643_03DB_416A_FF803A9C013F.html =
Lost luggage claim desk
htmlText_2F7F2E5B_1D29_8F96_419C_C3A737770A49.html =
Out-of-gauge and pets drop off point
htmlText_2A8B4F0A_1DEF_8D77_41A2_0559E9496C01.html =
PRM Changing place for Disabled Persons and Persons with Reduced Mobility
A facility to be used by any person who needs to change the clothes and/or wash
a person with a disability, or a mother of an autistic child that needs to change its nappy.
htmlText_2F0A01BA_1D28_9496_4180_BB07DE66D040.html =
PRM Special Assistance Desk
The service is provided by Menzies Aviation on a 24/7 basis.
Contact number: +357 26007075
htmlText_01466D03_21AC_244F_41B6_44FF6D030069.html =
PRM parking spaces
Spacious parking stalls for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities, comfortable wheelchair manoeuvring and 120-minutes parking free of charge.
htmlText_2E811A62_1D18_F7B6_4162_4086E08EA448.html =
Post Office Mail Box
htmlText_2543725B_1DF8_9796_41B4_CF570B6B3D78.html =
Sixt rent a Car
Contact number +357 25257724
htmlText_1951E71E_2643_03D9_41BB_EB1EBFE8ECB9.html =
Special Baggage collection point
htmlText_184274D3_265F_06A8_41A7_97D78FF079B8.html =
Special Baggage collection point
htmlText_2EBC8079_1D28_9392_41A4_3112BDC6339B.html =
Tagomat® kiosks
Scan your boarding pass and print on your own, your luggage tags by using one of the Tagomat® kiosks, in less than 10sec.
htmlText_09A41E10_2643_05A9_41A6_00C770D2B16A.html =
The Taxi Service is available on a 24hour basis.
htmlText_3C2532E3_1B68_74B6_41B9_850ADA9121DB.html =
The Taxi Service is available on a 24hour basis.
htmlText_1B426724_20A4_644A_41BE_178C3636E24C.html =
Cigarettes, Rolling Tobacco and Cigarillos.
Habanos Humidor with a large range of Cuban cigars and accessories.
htmlText_1DF381C4_20A4_7FC9_41BA_C031880FB8CD.html =
Cigarettes, Rolling Tobacco and Cigarillos.
Habanos Humidor with a large range of Cuban cigars and accessories.
htmlText_1B7D8306_20A4_3C49_41BE_E5C2E7B5B9D9.html =
Cigarettes, Rolling Tobacco and Cigarillos.
Habanos Humidor with a large range of Cuban cigars and accessories.
htmlText_1D2DF2B4_20A4_FC4A_4199_D2EA62A8C40D.html =
Cigarettes, Rolling Tobacco and Cigarillos.
Habanos Humidor with a large range of Cuban cigars and accessories.
htmlText_105B927B_21A4_7CBF_41AF_2B9B8365ABE4.html =
VAT Tax Refund
Global Blue
Contact number +357 24 008760 / +357 96638878 (Russian speaking)
Planet Tax Free
Contact number +357 24 008715 / +357 24 828484 
Email: office.cy@planetpayment.com
htmlText_1004B6C5_21A4_E5CA_41B8_4AC618C263DF.html =
VAT Tax Refund
Global Blue
Contact number: +357 24 008760 / +357 96638878 (Russian speaking)
Planet Tax Free
Contact number: +357 24 008715 / +357 24 828484 
Email: office.cy@planetpayment.com
htmlText_1B72E520_20AC_2449_41A4_AEAD6F972612.html =
Wine and Spirits
An abundant collection of local wines and spirits including an authentic range produced exclusively for Cyprus duty free, including the award-winning whisky collection showcasing the finest malt whiskies and rare vintages.
htmlText_1B7BE34D_20AC_3CDB_4181_B43035134665.html =
Wine and Spirits
An abundant collection of local wines and spirits including an authentic range produced exclusively for Cyprus duty free, including the award-winning whisky collection showcasing the finest malt whiskies and rare vintages.
htmlText_1B0CCA11_20AC_2C4A_41AA_681FDC1D4711.html =
Wine and Spirits
An abundant collection of local wines and spirits including an authentic range produced exclusively for Cyprus duty free, including the award-winning whisky collection showcasing the finest malt whiskies and rare vintages.
htmlText_1D2E7010_20A7_FC4A_4182_C3037F49BBCF.html =
Wine and Spirits
An abundant collection of local wines and spirits including an authentic range produced exclusively for Cyprus duty free, including the award-winning whisky collection showcasing the finest malt whiskies and rare vintages.
htmlText_1B79AF42_20A4_24CE_41B1_5F3F064B8413.html =
Wine and Spirits
An abundant collection of local wines and spirits including an authentic range produced exclusively for Cyprus duty free, including the award-winning whisky collection showcasing the finest malt whiskies and rare vintages.
htmlText_69853D29_209C_245B_41C0_A0631788FF83.html =
“ Ierokipia I, II ”
Socrates Socratous
An impressive collage, that runs for sixty meters and
refers to an imaginary landscape, the Garden of Eden, where Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, surfaces from the sea in Pafos. The collage contains elements from Cyprus’ rich flora and fauna, as well as from idols that relate to the worship of Aphrodite in antiquity and from illustrations originating in
ancient vessels, coins and jewellery, also related to
the worship of the Goddess.
The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_6663FA32_20A4_EC49_41B6_EA46913C563A.html =
“Contemporary Aphrodites”
Marianna Constanti
A modern photo-mosaic technique created in a cubist collage, which comprises a multitudinous portrait of hospitable female faces from the island. These images are blended with distinctive depictions of forms associated with the worship of Aphrodite, from various periods of antiquity.
The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_2EA0EBBA_1D2B_9497_41B1_D5B7EF9E4057.html =
Airline Ticketing Desks
htmlText_28E04F70_1D29_8D92_41B4_E9C73470D484.html =
Airline Ticketing Desks
htmlText_2E8EF0E3_1D28_F4B6_41A7_9460A562D97E.html =
Airline Ticketing Desks
htmlText_25B8229A_1DE8_7496_4184_C1C298EB9B68.html =
Astra Car Rental / Petsas

Contact number +357 26423046
htmlText_2409FF1C_1DFB_8D92_41AA_DE79291BF504.html =
Avis / Budget

Contact number +357 26007318
htmlText_251E6D5C_1DE8_8D92_41BA_609E26940E7B.html =
Avis / Budget

Contact number +357 26007318
htmlText_1CA05E40_20E4_64C9_41A7_6E0D0869BED1.html =
Baggage Wrap station

Wrap your personal belongings in less than 60sec. The service is provided on demand by Safe-Sac.
Contact number +357 99876141
Email: info@safe-sac.com

htmlText_2F40D1F0_1D29_F493_41B0_BDA354635198.html =
Bagomat kiosks

Self-Tagging Baggage Drop Off counter to drop off your luggage.
htmlText_38B8C280_1B18_9772_41B5_DBF68C0D269C.html =
Beer Garden / Smoking area

A terrace bar with a view to the aircraft, serving hot & cold beverages, beer & wines and a wide selection of snacks, packed sandwiches, hot dogs & pastries.
htmlText_388A04FF_1B28_9C8E_418E_F16592F40BBA.html =
Beer Garden / Smoking area

A terrace bar with a view to the aircraft, serving hot & cold beverages, beer & wines and a wide selection of snacks, packed sandwiches, hot dogs & pastries.
htmlText_0698BDDB_21AC_67FF_41A2_8424B8E81178.html =
BorderXpress kiosks

Complete the administrative work required for border control on your own using the BorderXpress kiosks. All you need to do is approach a kiosk and place your passport onto the scanner. The kiosks use facial recognition technology to compare your face to the photograph on the passport. You will then receive a receipt which should be presented to an Immigration Officer and then you will proceed to the security screening point. If the receipt shows you are not clear, the Immigration Officer will proceed with a normal check.

htmlText_0615314F_21AC_7CD7_4198_980BABEB4DB2.html =
BorderXpress kiosks

Complete the administrative work required for border control on your own using the BorderXpress kiosks. All you need to do is approach a kiosk and place your passport onto the scanner. The kiosks use facial recognition technology to compare your face to the photograph on the passport. You will then receive a receipt which should be presented to an Immigration Officer and then you will proceed to the security screening point. If the receipt shows you are not clear, the Immigration Officer will proceed with a normal check.

htmlText_0604F898_21AC_EC79_41C0_5C3CEFDC569B.html =
BorderXpress kiosks

Complete the administrative work required for border control on your own using the BorderXpress kiosks. All you need to do is approach a kiosk and place your passport onto the scanner. The kiosks use facial recognition technology to compare your face to the photograph on the passport. You will then receive a receipt which should be presented to an Immigration Officer and then you will proceed to the security screening point. If the receipt shows you are not clear, the Immigration Officer will proceed with a normal check.

htmlText_103ACE5D_21BC_64FB_41AE_E3C771D1C57B.html =
BorderXpress kiosks

Complete the administrative work required for border control on your own using the BorderXpress kiosks. All you need to do is approach a kiosk and place your passport onto the scanner. The kiosks use facial recognition technology to compare your face to the photograph on the passport. You will then receive a receipt which should be presented to an Immigration Officer and then you will proceed to the security screening point. If the receipt shows you are not clear, the Immigration Officer will proceed with a normal check.
htmlText_175BCA97_2164_6C76_41BC_573E0D3CEC42.html =
BorderXpress kiosks

Complete the administrative work required for border control on your own using the BorderXpress kiosks. All you need to do is approach a kiosk and place your passport onto the scanner. The kiosks use facial recognition technology to compare your face to the photograph on the passport. You will then receive a receipt which should be presented to an Immigration Officer and then you will proceed to the security screening point. If the receipt shows you are not clear, the Immigration Officer will proceed with a normal check.
htmlText_1CA9075F_20A4_64F6_419E_AAC5D5472261.html =
Caffe Ritazza

Offering a unique range of classic coffees, sandwiches and salads, freshly baked croissants, and cakes.
htmlText_672A18C4_20AC_EDC9_41AB_F27DF221EA78.html =
Caffe Ritazza

Offering a unique range of classic coffees, sandwiches and salads, freshly baked croissants, and cakes.
htmlText_1C4770DA_20AC_5DFE_4130_488CA0B15FCC.html =
Caffe Ritazza

Offering a unique range of classic coffees, sandwiches and salads, freshly baked croissants, and cakes.
htmlText_1A6A37EF_20A4_E3D7_41AC_E33E09C0E911.html =
Caffe Ritazza

Offering a unique range of classic coffees, sandwiches and salads, freshly baked croissants, and cakes.
htmlText_1D52A64B_20A4_64DE_41A3_4970CCFD7DFE.html =
Caffe Ritazza

Offering a unique range of classic coffees, sandwiches and salads, freshly baked croissants, and cakes.
htmlText_66F5D425_20AF_E44B_41BD_601359FF6445.html =
Caffe Ritazza

Offering a unique range of classic coffees, sandwiches and salads, freshly baked croissants, and cakes.
htmlText_1A5D35CF_20AC_E7D7_4193_D144E098E2B2.html =
Caffe Ritazza

Offering a unique range of classic coffees, sandwiches and salads, freshly baked croissants, and cakes.
htmlText_16741FBB_20A7_E3BF_4199_FDDBB08C8EBA.html =
Central Bar

Dine before the flight choosing from a wide selection of salads, sushi, homemade pies, sandwiches, sweets, pastries, accompanied by a large variety of beverages including hot & cold beverages, and alcoholic drinks.
htmlText_19E02F68_20A4_E4D9_41C0_B1507F0D72AC.html =
Central Bar

Dine before the flight choosing from a wide selection of salads, sushi, homemade pies, sandwiches, sweets, pastries, accompanied by a large variety of beverages including hot & cold beverages, and alcoholic drinks.
htmlText_19260ACF_20A4_6DD7_4191_E55CE74FB2CB.html =
Central Bar

Dine before the flight choosing from a wide selection of salads, sushi, homemade pies, sandwiches, sweets, pastries, accompanied by a large variety of beverages including hot & cold beverages, and alcoholic drinks.
htmlText_19BEA68D_20A4_645B_41B3_AA7072CD3DCF.html =
Central Bar

Dine before the flight choosing from a wide selection of salads, sushi, homemade pies, sandwiches, sweets, pastries, accompanied by a large variety of beverages including hot & cold beverages, and alcoholic drinks.
htmlText_184D0886_20A4_2C49_41AA_42FF04ECF010.html =
Central Bar

Dine before the flight choosing from a wide selection of salads, sushi, homemade pies, sandwiches, sweets, pastries, accompanied by a large variety of beverages including hot & cold beverages, and alcoholic drinks.
htmlText_164A5DBF_20A4_27B7_41B1_9D206858ABDC.html =
Central Bar

Dine before the flight choosing from a wide selection of salads, sushi, homemade pies, sandwiches, sweets, pastries, accompanied by a large variety of beverages including hot & cold beverages, and alcoholic drinks.
htmlText_197412FA_20A5_FDB9_41B0_35C19410D4BA.html =
Central Bar

Dine before the flight choosing from a wide selection of salads, sushi, homemade pies, sandwiches, sweets, pastries, accompanied by a large variety of beverages including hot & cold beverages, and alcoholic drinks.
htmlText_1DEF8D6F_20E4_24D6_41A5_2F4A311F510C.html =

Over 37 of the favourite brands of chocolate and candy, including luxurious gift boxes, travel exclusives, self-treats, and plenty for the children.
htmlText_1D9CE67E_20E4_E4B9_41C0_52C41390C952.html =

Over 37 of the favourite brands of chocolate and candy, including luxurious gift boxes, travel exclusives, self-treats, and plenty for the children.
htmlText_1DA2DB70_20E4_6CC9_4185_81F5156F6272.html =

Over 37 of the favourite brands of chocolate and candy, including luxurious gift boxes, travel exclusives, self-treats, and plenty for the children.
htmlText_1A98F29A_20A4_DC79_41B7_7F1FABB0970D.html =

Over 37 of the favourite brands of chocolate and candy, including luxurious gift boxes, travel exclusives, self-treats, and plenty for the children.
htmlText_28FEC2A3_1D18_F4B6_4195_A9CDCDCAF23B.html =
Costa Coffee

The well-known British coffeehouse chain that offers iconic signature blends of hearty flavoured, rich aroma and smooth taste coffee, accompanied by seasonal snacks.
htmlText_0E88EE02_21AC_2449_41BE_F845B4D28A4A.html =
Costa Coffee

The well-known British coffeehouse chain that offers iconic signature blends of hearty flavoured, rich aroma and smooth taste coffee, accompanied by seasonal snacks.
htmlText_2F10C643_1D19_FFF6_419E_BCCF2EF971F0.html =
Costa Coffee

The well-known British coffeehouse chain that offers iconic signature blends of hearty flavoured, rich aroma and smooth taste coffee, accompanied by seasonal snacks.
htmlText_28109746_1DEB_BDFE_418D_2720EFD3CC97.html =
Currency Exchange service

Currency exchange services are available by Onexchange, that offer a number of currencies with favourable exchange rates.
htmlText_298517E8_1DE8_9CB2_4167_4C50320F5078.html =
Currency Exchange service

Currency exchange services are available by Onexchange, that offer a number of currencies with favourable exchange rates.
htmlText_0FC709B6_219C_6FB6_418F_1387F313BABB.html =
Currency Exchange

Currency exchange services are available by Onexchange, that offer a number of currencies with favourable exchange rates.
htmlText_0F91C0BE_219D_FDB9_419F_7666F31DEB3C.html =
Currency Exchange

Currency exchange services are available by Onexchange, that offer a number of currencies with favourable exchange rates.
htmlText_1D75442D_20EC_245B_41A3_775E49059A1F.html =
Cyprus Memories

Charming range of souvenirs, perfect for gifting.
htmlText_1DC98A73_20EC_ECCF_41B6_CE29569A29A1.html =
Cyprus Memories

Charming range of souvenirs, perfect for gifting.
htmlText_1F54BA6D_20A4_2CDA_41B6_F1245FE1C1C2.html =
Cyprus Memories

Charming range of souvenirs, perfect for gifting.
htmlText_34B2BFC7_2164_E3D7_41B4_2CF31EE6D4F2.html =
Electric Car charging station

htmlText_34D1E51E_2164_6479_41BF_C54ABF575A73.html =
Electric Car charging station

htmlText_34654552_217C_64C9_4196_37FDF57D78EF.html =
Electric Car charging station

htmlText_34501D44_217F_E4C9_4190_BFD0D8467DC8.html =
Electric Car charging station

htmlText_25B99299_1DE8_7492_41A5_BCD2328A9A3E.html =

Contact number +357 26822633
htmlText_2501CD5E_1DE8_8D8E_4195_C1E62F666F25.html =

Contact number +357 26822633
htmlText_0F9380C0_219D_FDC9_41BA_172C494A2848.html =
Express Kiosk – duty free shop

A great selection of goods for you to shop when arriving in Cyprus. Confectionery, Wines & Spirits, Perfumes, skincare and much more.
htmlText_11DE5DE7_21A4_67D7_41B3_9CE5331B2FE0.html =
Express Kiosk – duty free shop

A great selection of goods for you to shop when arriving in Cyprus. Confectionery, Wines & Spirits, Perfumes, skincare and much more.
htmlText_1BAD6975_2641_0E68_41B7_9A3BE267A54E.html =
Express Kiosk – duty free shop

A great selection of goods for you to shop when arriving in Cyprus. Confectionery, Wines & Spirits, Perfumes, skincare and much more.
htmlText_0E3D09BA_219C_6FBE_4194_34F1477DD633.html =
Express Kiosk – duty free shop

A great selection of goods for you to shop when arriving in Cyprus. Confectionery, Wines & Spirits, Perfumes, skincare and much more.
htmlText_29EE6404_1DE8_9372_41B2_A68141038621.html =
Express shop

Daily essentials, phone cards, maps, snacks and drinks.
htmlText_2F843356_1D19_F59E_41BB_71D4822FC255.html =
Express shop

Daily essentials, phone cards, maps, snacks and drinks.
htmlText_28EC758D_1D19_BC8D_41AC_DED48161726C.html =
Express shop

Daily essentials, phone cards, maps, snacks and drinks.
htmlText_2FEC967C_1D17_FF92_41B1_B549CD69FD8D.html =
Express shop

Daily essentials, phone cards, maps, snacks and drinks.
htmlText_1CA808E4_20A4_2DC9_41C0_B37566C55D65.html =
Food Village

Sandwiches on freshly baked French baguette from Upper Crust, Italian pizza from Negroni, burgers and international food, in addition to readily packed meals to take onboard.
htmlText_1AB5D553_20AC_24CF_41A0_BDB4A1D08652.html =
Food Village

Sandwiches on freshly baked French baguette from Upper Crust, Italian pizza from Negroni, burgers and international food, in addition to readily packed meals to take onboard.
htmlText_1A7A5981_20AD_EC4B_41AA_B5EEEE9C5DE0.html =
Food Village

Sandwiches on freshly baked French baguette from Upper Crust, Italian pizza from Negroni, burgers and international food, in addition to readily packed meals to take onboard.
htmlText_1FB75DA6_20AC_2449_41A3_FC3A7BCA8114.html =
Food Village

Sandwiches on freshly baked French baguette from Upper Crust, Italian pizza from Negroni, burgers and international food, in addition to readily packed meals to take onboard.
htmlText_1D55D367_20AC_7CD7_41A3_6018294BDAD7.html =
Food Village

Sandwiches on freshly baked French baguette from Upper Crust, Italian pizza from Negroni, burgers and international food, in addition to readily packed meals to take onboard.
htmlText_1FDE3C54_20AC_24C9_419B_FA1F2467A01E.html =
Food Village

Sandwiches on freshly baked French baguette from Upper Crust, Italian pizza from Negroni, burgers and international food, in addition to readily packed meals to take onboard.
htmlText_1DE0EE4E_20AC_24D9_41AD_1744F522EB10.html =
Food Village

Sandwiches on freshly baked French baguette from Upper Crust, Italian pizza from Negroni, burgers and international food, in addition to readily packed meals to take onboard.
htmlText_1D15EC06_20AC_2449_41A2_67DBF1DCCC12.html =
Food Village

Sandwiches on freshly baked French baguette from Upper Crust, Italian pizza from Negroni, burgers and international food, in addition to readily packed meals to take onboard.
htmlText_3606E4A0_1B28_7CB2_41B4_3220B35D556E.html =
Help Point

Help Point Intercom for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities.
On-the-spot request for wheelchair or escort assistance through the intercom.

htmlText_35912D78_1B29_8D93_41B9_C21F75BC0023.html =
Help Point

Help Point Intercom for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities.
On-the-spot request for wheelchair or escort assistance through the intercom.

htmlText_3749FE41_1B6B_8FF5_418F_9F80BC2307D8.html =
Help Point

Help Point Intercom for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities.
On-the-spot request for wheelchair or escort assistance through the intercom.

htmlText_3605AD9F_1B28_8C8E_41B0_0B7115CDADDA.html =
Help Point

Help Point Intercom for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities.
On-the-spot request for wheelchair or escort assistance through the intercom.

htmlText_361DB770_1B68_7D92_41AE_1382B0180C7C.html =
Help Point

Help Point Intercom for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities.
On-the-spot request for wheelchair or escort assistance through the intercom.

htmlText_2A9C8B14_1B18_9592_41AB_8F77384D8B5D.html =
Help Point

Help Point Intercom for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities.
On-the-spot request for wheelchair or escort assistance through the intercom.

htmlText_25003D5F_1DE8_8D8E_41B8_029FEE0DE124.html =

Contact number +357 26007313
htmlText_25BA0293_1DE8_7496_4199_2EEE92D31AB7.html =

Contact number +357 26007313
htmlText_0FC8452B_1B69_BDB6_419D_BDE51B33B72E.html =
June 6, 2010

During his apostolic journey to Cyprus, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, blessed this olive tree.
htmlText_08D494E7_1B17_9CBE_41A4_11812637F311.html =
June 6, 2010

During his apostolic journey to Cyprus, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, blessed this olive tree.
htmlText_1CDFA4A9_20A4_245B_41BC_D15F8A51E9E6.html =

A taste of Cyprus with the best products found on the island, which encapsulate the local traditions, tastes and aromas. A large variety of Cyprus delicacies, such as the famous Cypriot halloumi cheese, olive oil, honey, and sweet delights, along with a display of traditional crafts from lace making, pottery and jewellery.
htmlText_1DE96A03_209C_2C4F_4199_5C9E8172E8F2.html =

A taste of Cyprus with the best products found on the island, which encapsulate the local traditions, tastes and aromas. A large variety of Cyprus delicacies, such as the famous Cypriot halloumi cheese, olive oil, honey, and sweet delights, along with a display of traditional crafts from lace making, pottery and jewellery.
htmlText_1AD37697_20A4_2477_41A4_0369A78752F9.html =

A taste of Cyprus with the best products found on the island, which encapsulate the local traditions, tastes and aromas. A large variety of Cyprus delicacies, such as the famous Cypriot halloumi cheese, olive oil, honey, and sweet delights, along with a display of traditional crafts from lace making, pottery and jewellery.
htmlText_28210324_1D28_95B2_41B1_B1131F95FE3F.html =
Out-of-gauge and pets drop off point

htmlText_2AFEF985_1DE8_B572_417B_A5E4105FCD07.html =
PRM Changing place for Disabled Persons and Persons with Reduced Mobility

A facility to be used by any person who needs to change the clothes and/or wash
a person with a disability, or a mother of an autistic child that needs to change its nappy.
htmlText_28E4795D_1DE8_7592_4195_1175697640D2.html =
PRM Changing place for Disabled Persons and Persons with Reduced Mobility

A facility to be used by any person who needs to change the clothes and/or wash
a person with a disability, or a mother of an autistic child that needs to change its nappy.
htmlText_283E6C1C_1DEB_9393_41B3_C08F9B2BF8BF.html =
PRM Changing place for Disabled Persons and Persons with Reduced Mobility

A facility to be used by any person who needs to change the clothes and/or wash
a person with a disability, or a mother of an autistic child that needs to change its nappy.
htmlText_29C032EA_1DFF_B4B6_41A1_1B030B60555F.html =
PRM Changing place for Disabled Persons and Persons with Reduced Mobility

A facility to be used by any person who needs to change the clothes and/or wash
a person with a disability, or a mother of an autistic child that needs to change its nappy.
htmlText_29487CCE_1D1F_8C8E_41B8_B0ABE82316B0.html =
PRM Special Assistance Desk

The service is provided by Menzies Aviation on a 24/7 basis.
Contact number: +357 26007075
htmlText_2F5E537B_1D18_9596_41B2_960B228534C4.html =
PRM Special Assistance Desk

The service is provided by Menzies Aviation on a 24/7 basis.
Contact number: +357 26007075
htmlText_0E8D5285_21AF_FC4B_41B2_AF91626E31F6.html =
PRM Special Assistance Desk

The service is provided by Menzies Aviation on a 24/7 basis.
Contact number: +357 26007075
htmlText_0494807D_21A4_5CBB_41B2_B4A00072C661.html =
PRM parking spaces

Spacious parking stalls for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities, comfortable wheelchair manoeuvring and 120-minutes parking free of charge.
htmlText_0521B5B6_21A4_67B6_41B6_48266DD7F7A1.html =
PRM parking spaces

Spacious parking stalls for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities, comfortable wheelchair manoeuvring and 120-minutes parking free of charge.
htmlText_01DA501C_21A4_7C79_41B3_1A08686C7DC6.html =
PRM parking spaces

Spacious parking stalls for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities, comfortable wheelchair manoeuvring and 120-minutes parking free of charge.
htmlText_05E04529_21A4_245B_41B8_5C29EAA37666.html =
PRM parking spaces

Spacious parking stalls for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities, comfortable wheelchair manoeuvring and 120-minutes parking free of charge.
htmlText_01A7E892_21A3_EC49_418A_32329E1B27E7.html =
PRM parking spaces

Spacious parking stalls for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities, comfortable wheelchair manoeuvring and 120-minutes parking free of charge.
htmlText_052447E0_21A4_23C9_41BE_04DF58E162E2.html =
PRM parking spaces

Spacious parking stalls for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities, comfortable wheelchair manoeuvring and 120-minutes parking free of charge.
htmlText_030CC37B_21A4_5CBF_41BB_DB597071E002.html =
PRM parking spaces

Spacious parking stalls for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities, comfortable wheelchair manoeuvring and 120-minutes parking free of charge.
htmlText_0053541E_21A4_2479_4174_ABFEDA91D6AB.html =
PRM parking spaces

Spacious parking stalls for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities, comfortable wheelchair manoeuvring and 120-minutes parking free of charge.
htmlText_1AF2FC4E_20A4_64D9_41B4_D5299548FD49.html =
Perfumes & Cosmetics

A “shopping wonderland”, from some of the world’s best beauty brands and exclusives including Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci cosmetics, Atelier Colognes and Penhaligons fragrances.
htmlText_1B9141A9_20A5_FC5B_41BF_424C4912E28E.html =
Perfumes & Cosmetics

A “shopping wonderland”, from some of the world’s best beauty brands and exclusives including Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci cosmetics, Atelier Colognes and Penhaligons fragrances.
htmlText_1AF39A0F_20A4_6C56_41BF_AB02CE2EAEAF.html =
Perfumes & Cosmetics

A “shopping wonderland”, from some of the world’s best beauty brands and exclusives including Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci cosmetics, Atelier Colognes and Penhaligons fragrances.
htmlText_1B686795_20AC_644B_41B2_828ACCA47BC2.html =
Perfumes & Cosmetics

A “shopping wonderland”, from some of the world’s best beauty brands and exclusives including Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci cosmetics, Atelier Colognes and Penhaligons fragrances.
htmlText_1DB6B746_209C_24C9_41BE_E4C65F90DF97.html =
Perfumes & Cosmetics

A “shopping wonderland”, from some of the world’s best beauty brands and exclusives including Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci cosmetics, Atelier Colognes and Penhaligons fragrances.
htmlText_1B130B80_20AC_EC49_41A2_4073F2A131E0.html =
Perfumes & Cosmetics

A “shopping wonderland”, from some of the world’s best beauty brands and exclusives including Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci cosmetics, Atelier Colognes and Penhaligons fragrances.
htmlText_1DF0748F_209C_2457_41AF_B323A0A4022D.html =
Perfumes & Cosmetics

A “shopping wonderland”, from some of the world’s best beauty brands and exclusives including Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci cosmetics, Atelier Colognes and Penhaligons fragrances.
htmlText_1A4B7E43_209C_E4CE_41A6_BAE1CB92FFBC.html =
Perfumes & Cosmetics

A “shopping wonderland”, from some of the world’s best beauty brands and exclusives including Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci cosmetics, Atelier Colognes and Penhaligons fragrances.
htmlText_1AABA860_20AC_6CCA_4170_374C53EBCCD8.html =
Perfumes & Cosmetics

A “shopping wonderland”, from some of the world’s best beauty brands and exclusives including Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci cosmetics, Atelier Colognes and Penhaligons fragrances.
htmlText_1AA57AA1_20AF_EC4B_419D_F1DE6FE485F5.html =
Perfumes & Cosmetics

A “shopping wonderland”, from some of the world’s best beauty brands and exclusives including Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci cosmetics, Atelier Colognes and Penhaligons fragrances.

htmlText_1D79C64A_20A4_24D9_41A7_F64ACEF88831.html =
Perfumes & Cosmetics

A “shopping wonderland”, from some of the world’s best beauty brands and exclusives including Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci cosmetics, Atelier Colognes and Penhaligons fragrances.
htmlText_61B279F4_20A4_2FC9_41B5_B49B44435479.html =
Perfumes & Cosmetics

Wine and Spirits




htmlText_1DD1A9B7_20A4_2FB7_41B8_82A6A7AF1CDA.html =
Perfumes & Cosmetics

Wine and Spirits




htmlText_1CC99379_20EC_7CBB_41BD_19EBAC096D18.html =
Perfumes & Cosmetics

Wine and Spirits




htmlText_48D8643D_7809_8207_41D9_78375D35B744.html =
Perfumes & Cosmetics

Wine and Spirits




htmlText_388D04FE_1B28_9C8E_41A8_020D3205D264.html =
Play area

Children can play safely, without getting bored while waiting for your flight or during your unwinding moments through our commercial zone.
htmlText_38B74052_1B18_7396_41A5_66B763A3262B.html =
Play area

Children can play safely, without getting bored while waiting for your flight or during your unwinding moments through our commercial zone.
htmlText_2E5DBC21_1D18_73B2_418B_CBAF21BAE17D.html =
Post Office Mail Box

htmlText_251D922B_1DEB_97B6_41AA_A87902D13803.html =
Sixt rent a Car

Contact number +357 25257724
htmlText_25B93296_1DE8_749E_41A3_EE98A1125647.html =
Sixt rent a Car

Contact number +357 25257724
htmlText_19AE5A6C_20A4_2CD9_41A1_6B0FEFDBD5C7.html =
Sunglasses & Fashion

Showcasing the latest trends with over 35 designer Sunglasses brands. A large range of the latest designer fashions, clothing and bags plus many well-known designer watches and jewellery brands.
htmlText_1AEF0B6A_209C_2CDE_41B3_1F13B37271F2.html =
Sunglasses & Fashion

Showcasing the latest trends with over 35 designer Sunglasses brands. A large range of the latest designer fashions, clothing and bags plus many well-known designer watches and jewellery brands.
htmlText_1775733C_209C_3CB9_41B4_66C67B21890D.html =
Sunglasses & Fashion

Showcasing the latest trends with over 35 designer Sunglasses brands. A large range of the latest designer fashions, clothing and bags plus many well-known designer watches and jewellery brands.
htmlText_4AB9042A_7808_820D_41D2_3B56F1786542.html =
Sunglasses & Fashion

Showcasing the latest trends with over 35 designer Sunglasses brands. A large range of the latest designer fashions, clothing and bags plus many well-known designer watches and jewellery brands.
htmlText_1862E644_209C_E4C9_41B9_EEB1FBD69A56.html =
Sunglasses & Fashion

Showcasing the latest trends with over 35 designer Sunglasses brands. A large range of the latest designer fashions, clothing and bags plus many well-known designer watches and jewellery brands.
htmlText_164931B2_20A4_3C49_4199_F990C1F30818.html =
Sunglasses & Fashion

Showcasing the latest trends with over 35 designer Sunglasses brands. A large range of the latest designer fashions, clothing and bags plus many well-known designer watches and jewellery brands.
htmlText_1765238A_2164_DC59_41BA_6E0D8F2B11F7.html =
Sunglasses & Fashion

Showcasing the latest trends with over 35 designer Sunglasses brands. A large range of the latest designer fashions, clothing and bags plus many well-known designer watches and jewellery brands.
htmlText_2EF0B9D0_1D37_9493_41B8_A94EEBB55573.html =
Tagomat® kiosks

Scan your boarding pass and print on your own, your luggage tags by using one of the Tagomat® kiosks, in less than 10sec.
htmlText_1DCC4DEA_20A4_27D9_4191_CA038FF33010.html =

Cigarettes, Rolling Tobacco and Cigarillos.
Habanos Humidor with a large range of Cuban cigars and accessories.

htmlText_1BD9B387_20AC_DC57_41B4_9AAF5AFA509D.html =

Cigarettes, Rolling Tobacco and Cigarillos.
Habanos Humidor with a large range of Cuban cigars and accessories.

htmlText_1B155B7E_20AC_ECB9_41B0_77B5B57AA6D1.html =

Cigarettes, Rolling Tobacco and Cigarillos.
Habanos Humidor with a large range of Cuban cigars and accessories.

htmlText_0E9360F0_21AC_5DC9_41B9_59A195166051.html =
VAT Tax Refund – Customs office

htmlText_10F343E7_21A4_E3D7_41B0_E78ED06B9017.html =
VAT Tax Refund – Customs office

htmlText_105F573B_21A4_24BF_41AB_153B3837E93A.html =
VAT Tax Refund – Customs office

htmlText_56F22F24_780B_9E04_4199_266999F1D225.html =
“ Ierokipia I, II ”
Socrates Socratous

An impressive collage, that runs for sixty meters and
refers to an imaginary landscape, the Garden of Eden, where Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, surfaces from the sea in Pafos. The collage contains elements from Cyprus’ rich flora and fauna, as well as from idols that relate to the worship of Aphrodite in antiquity and from illustrations originating in
ancient vessels, coins and jewellery, also related to
the worship of the Goddess.

The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_5783C0A5_7818_8204_41D8_DCBACFE33A39.html =
“ Ierokipia I, II ”
Socrates Socratous

An impressive collage, that runs for sixty meters and
refers to an imaginary landscape, the Garden of Eden, where Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, surfaces from the sea in Pafos. The collage contains elements from Cyprus’ rich flora and fauna, as well as from idols that relate to the worship of Aphrodite in antiquity and from illustrations originating in
ancient vessels, coins and jewellery, also related to
the worship of the Goddess.

The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_6A9224C9_2364_E5DA_4186_D9A062230D5D.html =
“ Ierokipia I, II ”
Socrates Socratous

An impressive collage, that runs for sixty meters and
refers to an imaginary landscape, the Garden of Eden, where Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, surfaces from the sea in Pafos. The collage contains elements from Cyprus’ rich flora and fauna, as well as from idols that relate to the worship of Aphrodite in antiquity and from illustrations originating in
ancient vessels, coins and jewellery, also related to
the worship of the Goddess.

The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_6AA9F08B_2365_DC5E_41A1_774684B05195.html =
“ Ierokipia I, II ”
Socrates Socratous

An impressive collage, that runs for sixty meters and
refers to an imaginary landscape, the Garden of Eden, where Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, surfaces from the sea in Pafos. The collage contains elements from Cyprus’ rich flora and fauna, as well as from idols that relate to the worship of Aphrodite in antiquity and from illustrations originating in
ancient vessels, coins and jewellery, also related to
the worship of the Goddess.

The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_56241F8A_7808_FE0C_41D0_F2BB3D2D8372.html =
“ Ierokipia I, II ”
Socrates Socratous

An impressive collage, that runs for sixty meters and
refers to an imaginary landscape, the Garden of Eden, where Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, surfaces from the sea in Pafos. The collage contains elements from Cyprus’ rich flora and fauna, as well as from idols that relate to the worship of Aphrodite in antiquity and from illustrations originating in
ancient vessels, coins and jewellery, also related to
the worship of the Goddess.

The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_6AC08A73_2364_6CCF_41A9_53778B7368FF.html =
“ Ierokipia I, II ”
Socrates Socratous

An impressive collage, that runs for sixty meters and
refers to an imaginary landscape, the Garden of Eden, where Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, surfaces from the sea in Pafos. The collage contains elements from Cyprus’ rich flora and fauna, as well as from idols that relate to the worship of Aphrodite in antiquity and from illustrations originating in
ancient vessels, coins and jewellery, also related to
the worship of the Goddess.

The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_6BE05124_2364_7C49_41B8_5FDA0F8C0398.html =
“ Ierokipia I, II ”
Socrates Socratous

An impressive collage, that runs for sixty meters and
refers to an imaginary landscape, the Garden of Eden, where Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, surfaces from the sea in Pafos. The collage contains elements from Cyprus’ rich flora and fauna, as well as from idols that relate to the worship of Aphrodite in antiquity and from illustrations originating in
ancient vessels, coins and jewellery, also related to
the worship of the Goddess.

The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_6A9367AE_2364_2459_41A0_B4A393AE99E3.html =
“ Ierokipia I, II ”
Socrates Socratous

An impressive collage, that runs for sixty meters and
refers to an imaginary landscape, the Garden of Eden, where Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, surfaces from the sea in Pafos. The collage contains elements from Cyprus’ rich flora and fauna, as well as from idols that relate to the worship of Aphrodite in antiquity and from illustrations originating in
ancient vessels, coins and jewellery, also related to
the worship of the Goddess.

The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_6A42B2DF_2364_3DF6_41AE_0947894D3B05.html =
“ Ierokipia I, II ”
Socrates Socratous

An impressive collage, that runs for sixty meters and
refers to an imaginary landscape, the Garden of Eden, where Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, surfaces from the sea in Pafos. The collage contains elements from Cyprus’ rich flora and fauna, as well as from idols that relate to the worship of Aphrodite in antiquity and from illustrations originating in
ancient vessels, coins and jewellery, also related to
the worship of the Goddess.

The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_6DA9DDEC_2364_27D9_41B9_BE63C0F6047A.html =
“ Ierokipia I, II ”
Socrates Socratous

An impressive collage, that runs for sixty meters and
refers to an imaginary landscape, the Garden of Eden, where Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, surfaces from the sea in Pafos. The collage contains elements from Cyprus’ rich flora and fauna, as well as from idols that relate to the worship of Aphrodite in antiquity and from illustrations originating in
ancient vessels, coins and jewellery, also related to
the worship of the Goddess.

The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_56D176FD_7807_8E04_41D6_34BEE1E6CECB.html =
“ Ierokipia I, II ”
Socrates Socratous

An impressive collage, that runs for sixty meters and
refers to an imaginary landscape, the Garden of Eden, where Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, surfaces from the sea in Pafos. The collage contains elements from Cyprus’ rich flora and fauna, as well as from idols that relate to the worship of Aphrodite in antiquity and from illustrations originating in
ancient vessels, coins and jewellery, also related to
the worship of the Goddess.

The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_66DF4A10_20A4_6C49_41BF_E915598BD6E4.html =
“A Trip to the City of Aphrodite”
Amaya 3400

An internal 120m2 mural adorns the wall behind the check-in counters, representing successive landscapes of the city and province of Pafos, enriched with human and animal elements.

The artists (George Gareth Christou and Stelios Tzivas) have participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_6BD9ACD6_20BC_25C9_41AE_377288A1F68A.html =
“A Trip to the City of Aphrodite”
Amaya 3400

An internal 120m2 mural adorns the wall behind the check-in counters, representing successive landscapes of the city and province of Pafos, enriched with human and animal elements.

The artists (George Gareth Christou and Stelios Tzivas) have participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_677D11A3_20A7_DC4F_41B9_818F231DCA8A.html =
“A Trip to the City of Aphrodite”
Amaya 3400

An internal 120m2 mural adorns the wall behind the check-in counters, representing successive landscapes of the city and province of Pafos, enriched with human and animal elements.

The artists (George Gareth Christou and Stelios Tzivas) have participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_66983A2F_20A5_EC56_41B3_F649C7D7B7F8.html =
“A Trip to the City of Aphrodite”
Amaya 3400

An internal 120m2 mural adorns the wall behind the check-in counters, representing successive landscapes of the city and province of Pafos, enriched with human and animal elements.

The artists (George Gareth Christou and Stelios Tzivas) have participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_66E13D82_20A4_6449_41B7_81715EF215B3.html =
“A Trip to the City of Aphrodite”
Amaya 3400

An internal 120m2 mural adorns the wall behind the check-in counters, representing successive landscapes of the city and province of Pafos, enriched with human and animal elements.

The artists (George Gareth Christou and Stelios Tzivas) have participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_66B5E4E0_20A4_25C9_41B3_2C27448C6C52.html =
“Contemporary Aphrodites”
Marianna Constanti

A modern photo-mosaic technique created in a cubist collage, which comprises a multitudinous portrait of hospitable female faces from the island. These images are blended with distinctive depictions of forms associated with the worship of Aphrodite, from various periods of antiquity.

The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_68E3B8F1_209C_2DCB_41B9_289434F6A670.html =
“Contemporary Aphrodites”
Marianna Constanti

A modern photo-mosaic technique created in a cubist collage, which comprises a multitudinous portrait of hospitable female faces from the island. These images are blended with distinctive depictions of forms associated with the worship of Aphrodite, from various periods of antiquity.

The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_71E22EBD_20A4_25BB_41BE_14A75D96C218.html =
“Past - Presence”
Helene Black

Steel, metallic picrolite figurines in the form of a cross, dating from the Chalcolithic period (IVth-IIIrd millennium BC), many of which were found in Pafos. They are believed to be connected to the worship of fertility and the subsequent sanction of the worship of Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, in Pafos.

The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.
htmlText_6B2A6791_20BC_244B_41B3_A33B7341BFB7.html =
“Past - Presence”
Helene Black

Steel, metallic picrolite figurines in the form of a cross, dating from the Chalcolithic period (IVth-IIIrd millennium BC), many of which were found in Pafos. They are believed to be connected to the worship of fertility and the subsequent sanction of the worship of Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, in Pafos.

The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.

htmlText_6A192428_20A4_E459_418C_7A132607F580.html =
“Past - Presence”
Helene Black

Steel, metallic picrolite figurines in the form of a cross, dating from the Chalcolithic period (IVth-IIIrd millennium BC), many of which were found in Pafos. They are believed to be connected to the worship of fertility and the subsequent sanction of the worship of Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, in Pafos.

The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.

htmlText_6A707DC1_20A4_E7CA_4199_9622DCF2C6B3.html =
“Past - Presence”
Helene Black

Steel, metallic picrolite figurines in the form of a cross, dating from the Chalcolithic period (IVth-IIIrd millennium BC), many of which were found in Pafos. They are believed to be connected to the worship of fertility and the subsequent sanction of the worship of Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, in Pafos.

The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.

htmlText_6B601DBC_20BD_E7B9_41AC_494B0DBA083B.html =
“Past - Presence”
Helene Black

Steel, metallic picrolite figurines in the form of a cross, dating from the Chalcolithic period (IVth-IIIrd millennium BC), many of which were found in Pafos. They are believed to be connected to the worship of fertility and the subsequent sanction of the worship of Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, in Pafos.

The artist has participated in the pioneering project named “Sense of Place”, an effort to decipher the Cypriot identity through abstract art and architectural installations.

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P1 - Short Term
Uncovered parking zone

The most convenient zone, with a short walking distance from the building’s entrance. Ideal for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities or when visiting just for the day.
HTMLText_74396641_6B20_4004_41D1_BA384103D489_mobile.html =
P3 - Car Rental Return

Avis / Budget:
Contact number +357 26007318

Hertz :
Contact number +357 26007313

EuropCar :
Contact number +357 26822633

Sixt rent a Car / Flizzr rent a car :
Contact number +357 25257724

Astra Car Rental / Petsas :
Contact number +357 26423046
HTMLText_241E795A_61A5_DD5A_41AF_1D327C25CD4C_mobile.html =
P1 - Long Term
Uncovered parking zone

Easily accessed, with a short walking distance from the buildings’ entrance.

Book online and benefit lower prices.
HTMLText_4B71B60A_6B20_C004_41CD_4F31FC80D222_mobile.html =
Parking Pay machines
Hermes Parking Office
Contact number +357 24030026
HTMLText_241E795A_61A5_DD5A_41AF_1D327C25CD4C.html =
P1 - Long Term
Uncovered parking zone

Easily accessed, with a short walking distance from the buildings’ entrance.

Book online and benefit lower prices.
HTMLText_4A4DCDE4_6B20_400D_41C8_DA569F758146.html =
P1 - Short Term
Uncovered parking zone

The most convenient zone, with a short walking distance from the building’s entrance. Ideal for Persons with Reduced Mobility and Disabilities or when visiting just for the day.
HTMLText_7458F0B8_6B20_C004_41D2_CE8E8E5680DC.html =
P2 - Long Term
Covered parking zone

Ideal when traveling for a few days and looking for covered parking to protect your car from sun or rain.

Book online and benefit lower prices.
HTMLText_7458F0B8_6B20_C004_41D2_CE8E8E5680DC_mobile.html =
P2 - Long Term
Covered parking zone

Ideal when traveling for a few days and looking for covered parking to protect your car from sun or rain.

Book online and benefit lower prices.
HTMLText_74396641_6B20_4004_41D1_BA384103D489.html =
P3 - Car Rental Return

Avis / Budget:
Contact number +357 26007318

Hertz :
Contact number +357 26007313

EuropCar :
Contact number +357 26822633

Sixt rent a Car / Flizzr rent a car :
Contact number +357 25257724

Astra Car Rental / Petsas :
Contact number +357 26423046
HTMLText_744DA568_6B20_C005_4189_8DB1AE05495A.html =
P3 - Car Rental Return

Avis / Budget:
Contact number +357 26007318

Hertz :
Contact number +357 26007313

EuropCar :
Contact number +357 26822633

Sixt rent a Car / Flizzr rent a car :
Contact number +357 25257724

Astra Car Rental / Petsas :
Contact number +357 26423046
HTMLText_179A3899_6E70_3C2A_41CA_4EBD1794046F.html =
HTMLText_179B98A4_6E70_3C19_41D8_026C3020592E.html =
HTMLText_179A3899_6E70_3C2A_41CA_4EBD1794046F_mobile.html =
HTMLText_179B98A4_6E70_3C19_41D8_026C3020592E_mobile.html =
HTMLText_4B71B60A_6B20_C004_41CD_4F31FC80D222.html =
Parking Pay machines
Hermes Parking Office
Contact number +357 24030026
HTMLText_1783D894_6E70_3C3A_41B0_CADD349565F2_mobile.html =
Premium Lounge

A range of amenities irrespective of the class you travel, whether travelling for business or pleasure. Opens two hours ahead all scheduled flights.
HTMLText_78AD0AA2_5FA3_BFEA_41BC_96281D8D5616.html =
Airport of Pafos

General Info

P.O. Box 62320 P.C. 8063
Pafos, Cyprus

Tel. 77778833 (local calls only)
+357 25123022 (int. calls only)
Fax +357 26 007100
HTMLText_78AD0AA2_5FA3_BFEA_41BC_96281D8D5616_mobile.html =
Airport of Pafos

General Info

P.O. Box 62320 P.C. 8063
Larnaka, Cyprus

Tel. 77778833 (local calls only)
+357 25123022 (int. calls only)
Fax +357 26007100
HTMLText_1783D894_6E70_3C3A_41B0_CADD349565F2.html =
Premium Lounge

A range of amenities irrespective of the class you travel, whether travelling for business or pleasure. Opens two hours ahead all scheduled flights.
### Tooltip IconButton_2A0F029A_39C4_C56D_41BD_E5F9DA243C3E.toolTip = Fullscreen IconButton_2A0F029A_39C4_C56D_41BD_E5F9DA243C3E_mobile.toolTip = Fullscreen ## Tour ### Description tour.description = Hermes Pafos Airport Cypros ### Title tour.name = PAFOS